Section 1, Lesson 1
In Progress

A Letter to You, Queen

Section Progress
0% Complete

Hey Queen,

Thank you for purchasing this guide but more importantly, thank you for choosing you!

We know how hard it is to start something and fail.
We know what it’s like to look at IG, TikTok, and see so many women with the “perfect body”, we get it. We created this guide to give you something realistic, sustainable and honest that will get you to your goals.

We want to cheer you on, have your back and be there to congratulate you at the finish line! Set time aside to truly read this guide. Hell! read it twice. Just know we spent a healthy amount of time working on something that would not only help you but also
help us! (Meaning Reina lol since she’s the Vegan Bae)

Stay encouraged, you’ve got this!

-Reina and Naj