When we first went plant-based, we just ate whatever vegan-friendly foods we liked, along with some Meat alternatives with no real plan or strategy. Not really thinking too much about whether or not we were hitting most of our nutrient requirements. Simply because, We, like a lot of us, weren’t aware of the importance. Eating solely for taste, rather than nutrients.
In addition to that, just trying to comprehend this whole plant-based concept alone can be difficult, because we’re so indoctrinated from a young age about how animal products play such a “pivotal role” in our diet. So, if you’re thinking about starting a plant-based lifestyle OR you’re already vegan/vegetarian but aren’t sure if you’re optimizing your diet, you might also be wondering how to best replace the nutrients you’d get from meat & dairy.
This is why in addition to your meal plan, we’re going to give you a break down of the Primary Plant-Based Food Groups for a fundamental understanding of how to hit your required fiber, minerals, and vitamins intake, and not just fill up on empty calories (calories from processed foods lacking nutrients).
A whole-food, plant-based diet consists of foods primarily​ from these 6 categories:
​Vegetables | ​Fruits | ​Legumes | ​Whole Grains | ​Nuts & Seeds |
​This also includes​ lots of water, algae for iodine, a Vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplement. All six groups offer their own variety of benefits, which is why it’s essential to have them all in your diet. We suggest you buy a Vitamin B12 supplement while consuming a Plant-Based Diet.
Some foods and food groups have special nutrients not found affluently in others. ​Even just within the vegetable group, there are certain types of disease-preventing components found in some veggies, such as broccoli, that aren’t found in others, like lettuce or carrots. So a balanced amount of each is recommended.